From Pilots to Policy Change: Recommendations from San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income Advisory Group

April 2022

Read the Recommendations

Image removed.San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income Advisory Group was created to advise the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and appropriate City departments on various aspects of guaranteed income. The recommendations in this report examine how to move guaranteed income from pilots to policy in San Francisco, while maintaining and strengthening the City’s support for pilot development and implementation. To build the political will necessary to support guaranteed income more systemically, we must work to change the narrative around poverty and abundance. Instead of accepting the myths of scarcity and deservedness, we must reclaim a dormant framework based in values of abundance and dignity.

These recommendations reflect a shared belief that direct and unconditional cash transfers are an effective anti-poverty tool, and that investment in the infrastructure to create and run these programs is needed to bring the current field in San Francisco to scale.