You can view and print your current property tax statements or view past payment history by visiting the Property Tax Payment Portal. Watch our instructional video on making an online property tax payment.
If you are concerned that your payment is not yet displayed on the Property Tax Payment Portal, check with your financial institution to confirm the transaction was successful. Taxes, fees and other charges are not considered paid until the payment has been received and processed, after which your account will be credited effective the date you made the payment.
Pay your tax bill online by electronic check (eCheck) with no service fee by entering in your checking account information. Credit and Debit Card service fees are non-refundable and cover administrative costs associated with accepting payments online. Watch our instructional video on making an online property tax payment.
Service Fee Information:
Payment Type | Property Tax | Business Tax Fee Amount |
Electronic Check (eCheck) | No Fee | No Fee |
Credit Card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa) | 2.25% with $2.00 minimum | 2.50% with $2.00 minimum |
Debit (NYCE, Pulse, STAR) | 2.25% with $2.00 minimum | 2.50% with $2.00 minimum |
Our payment systems support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11+, Windows EDGE, and current versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. If you choose to use a browser other than the ones listed, your experience may not be optimal or secure. Please check and/or update your browser version before making a payment.
The Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in room 140. Walk-ins for assistance accepted until 4 p.m. Payments at the cashier window accepted until 5 p.m.
Tax payments must be received or postmarked by the due date to avoid penalties. If a payment is received after the due date, with no postmark, the payment is considered late and penalties will be imposed. Make check/money order payable to "SF Tax Collector". Include Block and Lot number on memo line. The canceled check/money order stub serves as your receipt. Do not send cash.
Mail payments to:
Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector
P.O. Box 7426
San Francisco, CA
Postmarks are imprints on letters, flats, and parcels that show the name of the United States Postal Service (USPS) office that accepted custody of the mail, along with the state, the zip code, and the date of mailing. The postmark is generally applied, either by machine or by hand, with cancellation bars to indicate that the postage cannot be reused. Foreign postmarks and private metered postage are not acceptable.
Taxpayers who send their payments by mail are cautioned that the USPS only postmarks certain mail depending on the type of postage used, and may not postmark mail on the same day deposited by a taxpayer.
Postage that is not postmarked:
- Metered mail: Mail on which postage is printed directly on an envelope or label by a postage machine licensed by the USPS. Many private companies use these types of postage machines.
- Pre-canceled stamp: Stamps sold through a private vendor, such as®.
- Automated postal center (APC) stamps: Stamps, with or without a date, purchased from machines located within a USPS lobby.
- Permit imprint: Pre-sorted mail used by bill pay services, such as online home banking.
If you use these types of postage, the USPS will not postmark your mail. You will be charged a penalty and fee, if applicable, if we do not receive your mailed payment by the due date.
Other options:
- Purchase and complete a certificate of mailing from the USPS, which is a receipt that provides evidence of the date that your mail was presented to the USPS for mailing. It can only be purchased at the time of mailing through the USPS. The USPS charges a fee for this service.
- Purchase a postage validated imprint (PVI) label from a USPS retail counter or window. The PVI is applied to a piece of mail by personnel at the retail counter or window when postage has been paid to mail that item. The item is retained in USPS custody and is not handed back to the customer. The date printed on the PVI label is the date of mailing.
To have funds electronically transferred to the City and County of San Francisco’s bank account through ACH or Wire Transfer the following instructions should be provided to your partnering financial institution:
General Bank Reference Address: | JPMorgan Chase, New York, NY 10017 |
ABA/Routing Number: | ACH: 028000024 |
Bank Account Number: | 20000043472203 |
Bank Account Name: | City and County of San Francisco |
For credit to: | Property Tax (TTX) |
In order to allow for timely and proper application of payment/credit to your account, please indicate the following:
If paying for: | Use this abbreviation: | Include: |
Secured | SEC | Block and lot number |
Supplemental | SSUP | Block and lot number |
Unsecured Supplemental | USUP | Bill number |
Redemption | RED | Block and lot number |
Escape | ESC | Block and lot number |
Unsecured Personal Property | UPP | Bill number |
Estimated Taxes (Tax Certificate) | CERT | Block and lot number |
Multiple Tax Types (less than 10 bills) | MULT | Block and lot number |
If you are paying more than 10 tax bills with one ACH, you are required to provide payment details using Excel template below. Send your completed worksheet to:
Ensure Your Payment is Made
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that a successful payment is made by the indicated due date. Check payments with non-US routing numbers will not be processed and will be rejected. If your payment becomes past due as a result of a failed transaction regardless of the date of the initial payment attempt, applicable penalties and interest will be applied.
If you paid by electronic check ("E-Check") and the payment is returned or rejected for ANY reason, a returned item fee of $50 will be assessed in addition to applicable late penalties and fees if your replacement payment becomes past due.
Multiple Payment Submissions
Multiple payment submissions will be applied towards unpaid balances on the account. If the tax bill is paid in full, any overpayment will be refunded.
No Partial Payments
Full payment must be made towards secured property tax bills. No partial payments will be accepted. Payments for less than the amount due at the time of payment will be returned. A penalty and applicable fees will be assessed for payments received late.
Property Tax Postponement Program: The State Controller’s Property Tax Postponement Program allows homeowners who are seniors, are blind, or have a disability to defer current-year property taxes if they meet certain criteria.
The Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector will review your waiver request in accordance with the California Revenue & Taxation Code which allows the Office to waive or cancel penalties, costs, fees or interest in certain, limited cases. We encourage taxpayers to provide any documentation supporting the requests.
Video Instructions
Need Further Assistance?
Visit our Help Center to submit a question. Questions submitted before 7:00 pm will receive a response on the SAME DAY. Questions submitted after 7:00 pm will receive a response by the next business day.