The Commercial Vacancy Tax is imposed on persons who hold Taxable Commercial Space Vacant, calculated based on the number of years vacant and the linear feet of Frontage. Follow the instructions below to file the 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Online Return.
These instructions are for the 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Online Return (the “Return”). These instructions provide a summary of the applicable rules to assist you with completing your filing. The San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code (referred to throughout these instructions as the “Code”) provides the law for the computation of the Commercial Vacancy Tax, as well as the rules for filing the Return.
All owners, lessees/tenants, and sublessees/subtenants of Taxable Commercial Space, as defined in the Code, must file a Return. A Return must be filed for all Taxable Commercial Spaces, even if the spaces are in the same building. This may require those filing to use the same block and lot and/or Business Account Number on more than one Return.
All co-owners, co-tenants, and co-subtenants must file a Return. If one of the co-owners, co-tenants, or co-subtenants will be satisfying the obligation, the other parties must provide the contact information of those satisfying the obligation. The Return will prompt you for this information.
Persons exempt from or otherwise not subject to the Commercial Vacancy Tax who are the owner, tenant, or subtenant of Taxable Commercial Space still must file a Return. They may declare their exemption or explain why they do not owe the tax on the Return.
Returns and payments must be submitted on or before February 28, 2025.
Before you begin the Return, review our the Commercial Vacancy Tax webpage to confirm that you have a Taxable Commercial Space. Begin the online Return by entering the Block/Lot of the Taxable Commercial Space and clicking the blue "Begin" button. Be sure to enable pop ups on your web browser. Your Return is not complete until you see the page that says “Commercial Vacancy Tax Return Confirmation.”
Find the Block/Lot of the Taxable Commercial Space:
- Click on the button above
- Enter the address of the Taxable Commercial Space
- The parcel Block/Lot will be listed directly below the address
If you received a notice to file and believe you are NOT required to file, you must complete a Non-Filer Certification. Enter your block/lot, check the box directly below block/field, then click the blue "Begin" button. This will allow you to complete the Non-Filer Certification Form.
“Vacant” means unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused for more than 182 days, whether consecutive or nonconsecutive, in a tax year. The Code provides for qualified exclusions, as detailed below.
“Taxable Commercial Space” means the ground floor of any building or structure, or the ground floor of any portion of a building or structure, where such ground floor:
- is adjacent or tangent to a Public Right of Way,
- is located in one of the "Named Neighborhood Commercial Districts” or “Named Neighborhood Commercial Transit Districts” listed in Section 201 of the Planning Code, as those districts existed on March 3, 2020, and irrespective of whether those districts are expanded, narrowed, eliminated, or otherwise modified subsequent to that date, and
- is not Residential Real Estate.
“Public Right of Way” means the dedicated public alleys, boulevards, courts, lanes, roads, sidewalks, spaces, streets, and ways within the City, which are under the permitting jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works.
“Residential Real Estate” means real property where the primary use of or right to use the property is for the purpose of dwelling, sleeping or lodging other than as part of the business activity of accommodations. For purposes of this definition, “accommodations” means the activity of providing lodging or short-term accommodations for travelers, vacationers, or others, including the business activity described in code 721 of the North American Industry Classification System as of November 6, 2012.
“Taxpayer’s Group” means for each taxpayer, with respect to each Taxable Commercial Space, the taxpayer, any current or former co-owner or co-tenant of the taxpayer, and any Related Person or Affiliate of the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s current or former co-owner or co-tenant.
“Related Person” means a spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, or sibling, whether biological, adoptive, or “step.”
“Affiliate” means a person under common majority ownership or common control with any other person, whether that ownership or control is direct or indirect. An Affiliate includes but is not limited to a person that majority owns or controls any other person or a person that is majority owned or controlled by any other person.
The Commercial Vacancy Tax rate increases when a space is vacant for consecutive years.
For 2024, the rates are:
- $250 per liniear foot of Frontage for space that was vacant in calendar year 2024.
- $500 per linear foot of Frontage for space that was vacant in calendar years 2023 and 2024.
- $1,000 per linear foot of Frontage for space that was vacant in calendar years 2022, 2023 and 2024.
The Commercial Vacancy Tax rate is calculated based on a building’s Frontage (the total length of Taxable Commercial Space that is adjacent or tangent to the Public Right of Way) rounded to the nearest foot.
If a tenant has operated a business in Taxable Commercial Space for more than 182 consecutive days during a lease of at least two years, the tenant will not be liable for the Commercial Vacancy Tax for the remainder of that lease, regardless of whether the space is vacant.
Additionally, any organization that is exempt from income taxation under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) is exempt from the Commercial Vacancy Tax.
However, the owner, tenant, or subtenant of a Taxable Commercial Space must file a Commercial Vacancy Tax return regardless of whether they are exempt from paying the Commercial Vacancy Tax or other taxes.
The Board of Supervisors passed a legislation to permit the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector to disclose certain Commercial Vacancy Tax information to the public. The following information collected from the Commercial Vacancy Tax return will be made available to the public via DataSF:
- Name of the person(s) required to file a Commercial Vacancy Tax Return and whether each person filed;
- Name of the person(s) required to pay the Commercial Vacancy Tax;
- The address and block and lot number of the Taxable Commercial Space;
- If the Taxable Commercial Space was kept Vacant during a tax year; and
- The Commercial Vacancy Tax rate that applies to the Taxable Commercial Space for a given tax year.
The Return by Section
If you received a notice to file and believe you are NOT required to file, you must complete a Non-Filer Certification. To complete the Non-Filer Certification, on the first page of the online form:
- Enter your block/lot.
- Check the box directly below block/field that states "Check this box if you believe you received the notice to file in error and are not required to do so."
- Click the blue "Begin" button.
You will be taken to the Non-Filer Certification Form. Have the notice to file you received from our office available, as it has information necessary to fill out and submit the form.
This page will display the address that the Office of Assessor-Recorder has for the parcel you entered. This address may be different from the mailing of specific unit/suite address associated to the space.
If you entered a parcel that is not found in the Office of the Assessor-Recorder’s data, then you will be prompted to enter the address on this page.
If the parcel you entered isn’t expected to file the Commercial Vacancy Tax, you will see a message prompting you to verify the parcel you entered before continuing. To continue beyond this page, you must check the box “I understand that proceeding with fling this return may create a tax obligation.”
1 - Did you already submit a 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Return and need to change the information you provided?
If you already submitted a 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Return and need to change the information you provided, answer Yes. If not, answer No.
If you answer No to "Did you already submit a 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Return and need to change the information you provided?", you will be asked "Did you receive a Notice to File 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Return for this parcel from our office?"
If you received a Notice to File for this parcel from our office, answer Yes. You will be prompted to enter the Notice ID from the mailed notice.
If you did not receive a Notice to File, or your do not have the Notice ID from the Notice, answer No.
If you answer Yes to "Did you already submit a 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Return and need to change the information you provided?", you will be asked, "Do you have the Reference ID from your previous filing?"
If you already filed and have the copy of your return, you can find the Reference ID at the top right corner of your Return. If you have this number, click Yes and enter the Reference Number. If you do not have this number, click No.
Click "Save & Continue"
Does this person...
1. Have a Business Account Number (BAN) with the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector?
San Francisco generally requires that every person owning or leasing a property within San Francisco for business purposes must register with the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector. If your business is registered, answer YES. If your business is not registered, answer NO.
If you answer YES, then click "Save & Continue" and on the next page:
- Enter your Business Account Number. To find your Business Account Number, visit Data SF, click the “View Data” button and search for your Business Name.
- Enter the last four (4) digits of your Tax Identification Number.
- Enter your eight (8) character Online PIN. Find your PIN on the letter you received notifying you to file, or request your PIN.
- Select the Taxable Commercial Space for which you're filing from the list of business locations currently registered to this Business Account Number (BAN). If you do not see the space listed, click “Add New Location” to register the business location under your BAN.
Click “Save & Continue.”
If you answer NO:
Answer the remaining questions to determine if you are required to register as a business with the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector.
If required to register a business, register your business by using the “Go to New Business Registration” button and following the instructions to register your business. After you have registered your business, return to submit your 2024 Commercial Vacancy Tax Return.
If you are NOT required to register as a business, you will be prompted to create an account with the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector and you will see this page. You must create an account with the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector to file your Commercial Vacancy Tax Return and pay online. The information you provide on the next page will be used to create the account.
After you submit your filing, you will receive an account number via email. The email will also contain a unique eight (8) character online PIN, which will allow you to access online tools such as the online Payment Portal and the online Update portal.
Check the box “I understand that I must create an account with the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector to file my Commercial Vacancy Tax Return” and click “Save & Continue.”
The following page of the Return will prompt you to provide information about the filer:
- Filer Name – enter the name of the person whose behalf this Return is being filed.
- (SSN) or (TIN) – Enter the federal Taxpayer Identification Number (e.g., SSN, TIN, or FEIN) of the filer or business associated with the reported Taxable Commercial Space.
- Email – Enter the email address of the filer.
- Phone – Enter the phone number of the filer.
- Location Address – Enter the street address of the Taxable Commercial Space. The location should be in San Francisco.
- Mailing Address – Enter the mailing address of the filer. The mailing address is the ONLY address to which this office will mail documents and correspondence, including the personal identification number (PIN) to file and pay taxes, notifications, and refunds.
Click “Save & Continue.”
Answer the following questions about the person or entity responsible for filing this Return. If this person or entity was an owner, tenant, or subtenant to a Related Person(s) or Affiliate(s) during calendar year 2024, you must file using a Paper Return. Find definitions of "Related Person" and "Affiliate" in the above Definitions section.
1 - Select the description that best fits your association with the Taxable Commercial Space.
Select from the drop down whether you were the Owner, Tenant, or Subtenant of the Taxable Commercial Space in calendar year 2024.
If more than one applies to you for calendar year 2024, you must file a paper Return.
2 - When did you acquire, lease or sublease the Taxable Commercial Space?
Enter the date you acquired, leased or subleased the Taxable Commercial Space from another person(s).
3 - Did your ownership/tenancy continue after December 31, 2024?
If your ownership or tenancy of the reported Taxable Commercial Space continued after December 31, 2024, answer YES. If your ownership or tenancy did not continue after December 31, 2024, answer NO. If you answer NO, you will be prompted to enter the date in 2024 on which your ownership or tenancy terminated.
If you have multiple, non-consecutive periods of ownership/tenancy to report, you must use the Paper Return.
4 - Did you lease or sublease this Taxable Commercial Space to another person(s) in the 2024 calendar year?
If you leased or subleased the reported Taxable Commercial Space to another non-Related Person(s) or Affiliate(s) during the period you held your interest, answer YES. If you leased or subleased the space to a Related Person(s) or Affiliate(s), or if you did not lease or sublease the space, during period you held your interest, answer NO.
If you leased or subleased the Taxable Commercial Space to a Related Person(s) or Affiliate, you must file using a Paper Return. Find definitions of "Related Person" and "Affiliate" in the above Definitions section.
5 - Are you exempt from the Commercial Vacancy Tax? Common reasons for exemption are that you are a 501(c)(3) non-profit or federal government entity.
If you are exempt, answer YES . If you are not exempt, answer NO.
Any organization that is exempt from income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be exempt from the Commercial Vacancy Tax.
Any person upon whom the City is prohibited under the Constitution or laws of the State of California or the Constitution or laws of the United States from imposing the Commercial Vacancy Tax shall be exempt from the Commercial Vacancy Tax.
6 - Each owner or tenant is required to file. Do you have a co-owner or co-tenant that is filing/paying for this tax for this Taxable Commercial Space on your behalf?
If you answer YES, the form will prompt you to enter the co-owner or co-tenant’s name, e-mail address and phone number.
If you do not have a co-owner or co-tenant that is filing/paying for this tax on your behalf, answer NO.
Click "Save & Continue"
If you leased or subleased the Taxable Commercial Space from any other person(s) during calendar year 2024, please enter the information about the landlord.
File using the Paper Return if you leased or subleased from multiple owners/landlords or if you leased from Related Person(s) or Affiliate(s).
Landlord Name
Enter the name of the landlord.
Landlord Business Name
Enter the trade name (doing business as) for the landlord’s business.
Landlord Email
Enter the email address of the landlord.
Landlord Phone
Enter the phone number of the landlord.
Click “Save & Continue"
If you leased or subleased the Taxable Commercial Space to any other person(s) during calendar year 2024, please enter the information about the tenants or subtenants. An email will be sent to each tenant or subtenant at the email address you provide notifying them that they have been listed in a Commercial Vacancy Tax return and providing them information about the Commercial Vacancy Tax filing requirements.
Space Address
Enter the address of the space occupied by the tenant.
Tenant Name
Enter the name of the tenant or subtenant.
Enter the email address of the tenant or subtenant.
Enter the phone number of the tenant or subtenant.
Start Date
Enter the date the Taxable Commercial Space was leased.
Did the lease continue after 12/31/2024?
If the lease continued beyond 12/31/2024, check the box. If the lease ended on or before 12/31/2024, do not check the box.
Lease End Date
If the lease did not continue beyond 12/31/2024, enter the date the lease or sublease ended.
If you reported at least 183 days of tenancy or ownership in calendar year 2024 during which the space was not leased to another person(s), please enter the following information.
Was the Taxable Commercial Space occupied, inhabited, or used for any of these days?
If the Taxable Commercial Space was occupied, inhabited, or used for any of the days that you did not lease the space to a person other than a Related Person or Affiliate, answer YES. If the Taxable Commercial Space was not occupied, inhabited, or used for any of the days that you did not lease the space to a person other than a Related Person or Affiliate, answer NO.
Find definitions of "Related Person" and "Affiliate" in the above Definitions section.
If you answer YES, enter the days during calendar year 2024 that the Taxable Commercial Space was occupied, inhabited, or used, but not leased or subleased to a person other than a Related Person or Affiliate.
Start Date
Enter the start date that the space was occupied, inhabited or used by non-Related Person(s) or Affiliate(s).
End Date
Enter the end date that the space was occupied, inhabited or used by non-Related Person(s) or Affiliate(s).
Click "Save & Continue"
If you qualify for an exclusion or exemption during the period reported for the Taxable Commercial Space you are reporting on this Return, answer YES. If you answer YES, you will be prompted to enter additional information about that period. If you do not qualify for an exclusion or exemption, answer NO.
Click “Save & Continue.”
Exclusion and Exemption Periods
A defined term with regard to these exclusions is the “Taxpayer’s Group.” For the purpose of the Commercial Vacancy Tax, “Taxpayer’s Group” means for each taxpayer, with respect to each Taxable Commercial Space, the taxpayer, any current or former co-owner or co-tenant of the taxpayer, and any Related Person or Affiliate of the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s current or former co-owner or co-tenant.
“Related Person” means a spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, or sibling, whether biological, adoptive, or “step.”
“Affiliate” means a person under common majority ownership or common control with any other person, whether that ownership or control is direct or indirect. An Affiliate includes but is not limited to a person that majority owns or controls any other person or a person that is majority owned or controlled by any other person.
“Qualified Building Permit Application Period” means the period following the date that an application for a building permit for repair, rehabilitation, or construction with respect to Taxable Commercial Space in a building or structure is filed with the City through the date the Department of Building Inspection or its successor agency grants or denies that application, but not to exceed one year. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if more than one building permit application is filed by or on behalf of one or more persons in the Taxpayer’s Group for the same Taxable Commercial Space, the Building Permit Application Period shall mean only the applicable period following the date the first application is filed with the City by or on behalf of anyone in the Taxpayer’s Group.
“Qualified Conditional Use Application Period” means the 183-day period following the date that a complete application for a conditional use permit for use of Taxable Commercial Space is filed with the City, but if the Planning Commission or its successor agency does not grant or deny that application within 183 days, the Conditional Use Application Period means the period following the date that the application is filed through December 31 of the year in which the date 183 days from the application filing date falls. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if more than one complete conditional use permit application is filed by or on behalf of one or more persons in the Taxpayer’s Group for the same Taxable Commercial Space, the Conditional Use Application Period shall mean only the applicable period following the date the first complete application is filed with the City by or on behalf of anyone in the Taxpayer’s Group.
“Qualified Construction Period” means the one-year period following the date that the City issues a building permit for repair, rehabilitation, or construction with respect to Taxable Commercial Space in a building or structure, provided that if the City issues multiple building permits to or for the benefit of one or more persons in the Taxpayer’s Group for the same Taxable Commercial Space, the One-Year Construction Period shall mean only the one-year period following the issuance of the first building permit to or for the benefit of anyone in the Taxpayer’s Group.
“Qualified Disaster Period” means the two-year period following the date that Taxable Commercial Space was severely damaged and made uninhabitable or unusable due to fire, natural disaster, or other catastrophic event.
“Remainder of a Qualified Lease” means the remainder of a lease or sublease of a Taxable Commercial Space with an original term of at least two (2) years under which the tenant or subtenant operated a business in the Taxable Commercial Space for more than 182 consecutive days.
What is the total length (in feet) of the vacant Taxable Commercial Space that is adjacent or tangent to the Public Right of Way?
Enter the total length (in feet) of the vacant Taxable Commercial Space that is adjacent or tangent to a Public Right of Way, rounded to the nearest foot.
“Public Right of Way” means the dedicated public alleys, boulevards, courts, lanes, roads, sidewalks, spaces, streets, and ways within the City, which are under the permitting jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works.
In general, block maps on file with the San Francisco Assessor have parcel boundary lengths, but these should only be viewed as general guides and the actual linear feet of Frontage is the basis for the tax.
The Commercial Vacancy Tax rate increases when a space is vacant for consecutive years.
If our records show the space was vacant for more than 183 days for calendar year 2023, or if we do not have record of a filing for this parcel for calendar year 2023, then you will see a message indicating this.
If you have information that verifies the space was not vacant for at least 182 days in calendar year 2023, check the box and our office will contact you for additional information.
Click Save & Continue to continue
Tax Summary
This page provides a summary of all the information reported on this Return and a calculation of the amount of Commercial Vacancy Tax due.
A. Total days of ownership/tenancy
This line will show the number of days reported in this Return in the calendar year that you or a Related Person or Affiliate owned or leased the Taxable Commercial Space.
B. Number of days leased or subleased to another person
This line will show the number of days reported in this Return that you or a Related Person or Affiliate leased or subleased the Taxable Commercial Space to another person or persons.
C. Number of days inhabited, occupied or otherwise used
This line will show the number of days that the space was not leased or subleased to another person, but was reported in this Return as occupied, inhabited or used during the period reported, inclusive of the start and end dates.
D. Number of days excluded/exempted
This line will show the number of days reported in this Return that are subject to the exclusion and exemption period.
E. Number of Days Taxable Commercial Space was Unoccupied, Uninhabited, or Unused during calendar year 2024
This line will show the number of days reported on this Return that the Taxable Commercial Space was unoccupied, uninhabited, or unused during calendar year 2024.
F. Commercial Vacancy Tax Rate
This line shows the tax rate for 2024, $250, $500, or $1,000 per linear foot.
G. Frontage
H. Commercial Vacancy Tax Amount Due
This line calculates the amount of Commercial Vacancy Tax due based on information reported on this Return.
Taxpayer Statement
Enter the information requested at the bottom of the page and submit the Return. If you are an agent of the taxpayer authorized to sign this Return on the taxpayer’s behalf, you must have a validly executed Power of Attorney Declaration (Form POA-1).
By clicking submit, you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you are the taxpayer (including an officer, general partner, member manager, executor, trustee, fiduciary, or other individual with the authority to bind the taxpayer), or an agent of the taxpayer authorized to sign this Return on behalf of the taxpayer pursuant to a validly executed Power of Attorney, and that you have examined the Return and all accompanying schedules or worksheets and have determined that, to the best of your knowledge and belief, all of the information is true, correct, and compliant with all the requirements in Articles 6 and 29 of the Code. You are also acknowledging that you are providing information in response to a request for financial information pursuant to Code section 6.5-1, and that you are required by law to complete this Return in its entirety and that the Return is subject to audit.
You will see a Confirmation and Courtesy Calculation Page. This page will show your principal tax amount. If you are filing late, it will also calculate any penalties and interest. The calculations displayed will NOT include recent payments, or payments made to other tax types.
This line displays the principal tax amount for the indicated tax type, based on your Return.
Administrative Fee
This line will display $58 administrative fee for late Returns.
Late Filing Penalty
This line will display late filing penalties for late Returns.
Late Payment Penalty
This line will display the estimated late payment penalties for this tax type. Information regarding late payment penalties and interest can be found here.
This line will display the estimated interest calculation for this tax type. Information regarding late payment penalties and interest can be found here.
Amount Due
This line will display the amount due after penalties, interest and fees are applied. This amount is an estimate and does not include recent payments.
If you would like to keep this page for future reference, click the "Download Copy" button and save the copy to your computer.
Click on "Payment Options” to pay or “Exit” to exit the Return.
The Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector’s online payment portal allows you to make an online payment, or to print a payment coupon for mailing a payment. Payments are due on or before February 28, 2025. Online forms must be transmitted before midnight on February 28, 2025. Payments must also be received or postmarked on or before February 28, 2025.
If a payment is not honored by a financial institution, for any reason, the tax payment is null and void and a $50 returned payment fee will be charged.
Choose Method of Payment
Once you select which obligations you wish to pay, you may select from the four options at the bottom of the page:
Cancel will take you to back to the login screen for the Payment Portal.
To Pay By Check:
Print Payment Stub will generate a payment coupon for you to mail in your payment or pay in person. Please note that if you select more than one tax or fee to pay, the payment coupon will appear as a table on the page and you will have to submit the entire page with your check so our office can allocate your payments correctly.
Submit only the payment stub with check payable to "San Francisco Tax Collector”, write the Business Account Number on your check.
Mail to: San Francisco Tax Collector, P.O. Box 7425, San Francisco, CA 94120-7425.
Online Bill Payment (Payment Portal)
Electronic payments with debit, credit or electronic check (eCheck) are processed through our service provider CityBase. Electronic Check will take you to our online payment partner CityBase to pay by electronic check. Please note that there is no convenience fee for this service.
Please read the information on the CityBase payment page about acceptable payment types and convenience fees associated with each. Be advised that CityBase confirmation only indicates a receipt of your payment information. Generally, it may take up to five (5) business days for the payment to be reflected in our system. The date the payment was originally made will show as the posting date. See additional online payment instructions below.
On the Payment Options and Accessing Your Return page, click Payment Options to go to the Payment Portal, which will display your current and paid obligations. For your information, Business Account Number, Business Name, and address on file are displayed at the top of the page.
Note that payment of displayed obligations may not constitute payment in full of all tax liabilities. This does not reflect any obligations referred to collections.
The Payment Portal contains two tabs; “Due” and “Paid.” If your business has filed taxes and fees in the past year, those obligations will display on this page in addition to your Commercial Vacancy Tax obligation for tax year 2024.
Due Tab
The first tab is “Due,” which displays all taxes and fees that have been filed, but not paid.
Select to Pay Column
You may click the button at the top of the list of obligations to “Select All” or “Unselect All” obligations. You may also check the box in each row of the column “Select to Pay” to select individual taxes/fees to pay.
Tax Type Column
This column provides a description of the tax or fee that has an obligation.
Tax Year / Period
This column provides the year and period for the tax or fee. For the annual return, the four digit tax year and the period “04” will be displayed as “2024/04” for each tax. Other taxes or fees may be displayed.
This column displays your business name.
Street Address
This column displays the address we have on file.
Bill Number
This number is for internal use.
Amount Due
This column displays the amount due for each obligation.
Amount to Pay
The cells in this column are set by default to zero. Once you check the box on the left to select an obligation to pay, the amount to pay will display in this column. If you do not wish to pay this amount, you may edit the amount in this cell to an amount less than the amount due. This action will change the amount you pay by credit/debit or the amount on the payment coupon, depending on the payment option you choose. Note that penalties and interest will accrue on unpaid amounts remaining after deadlines until paid. If you need further assistance, submit an online request for service, or call 3-1-1 from within San Francisco or 415-701-2311 outside of San Francisco.
Need Further Assistance?
Visit our Help Center to submit a question. Questions submitted before 7:00 pm will receive a response on the SAME DAY. Questions submitted after 7:00 pm will receive a response by the next business day.