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Treasurer & Tax Collector
City and County of San Francisco
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Secured Property Taxes
Unsecured Property Taxes
Delinquent Property Taxes
Parcel Tax Exemptions and Special Assessments
Tax Certificates for Final Map Recording (Condo Conversion)
Information for Heirs
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First Year Free
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Taxes & Fees
Gross Receipts Tax (GR)
Commercial Rents Tax (CR)
Commercial Vacancy Tax (CVT)
Cannabis Business Tax (CB)
Empty Homes Tax (EHT)
Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax (HGR)
Overpaid Executive Tax (OE)
Administrative Office Tax (AOT)
Access Line Tax (ALT), Telephone Users Tax (TUT), Utility Users Tax (UUT)
Parking Tax (PK)
Stadium Operator Admission Tax (SD)
Sugary Drinks Tax (SUGARY)
Traffic Congestion Mitigation Tax (TCM)
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)
Licenses and Permits
Cigarette Litter Abatement Fee (CIG)
Emergency Alarm and False Alarm Information
Tax Collector Regulations
Property Tax Payment
Business Tax or Fee Payment
Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Payment
False Alarm Payment
SFMTA Payment Plan Portal
Banking & Investments
Banking Services for City Departments
Municipal Banking Feasibility Task Force
SF Lends
Socially Responsible Banking
In the Community
Financial Justice Project
Office of Financial Empowerment
Save for College
Meet a Financial Coach
Find a Bank Account
SF Lends
Guaranteed Income
Secured Property Taxes
Unsecured Property Taxes
Delinquent Property Taxes
Parcel Tax Exemptions and Special Assessments
Tax Certificates for Final Map Recording (Condo Conversion)
Information for Heirs
Register a Business
First Year Free
Renew Business Registration
Manage Your Business
Taxes & Fees
Gross Receipts Tax (GR)
Commercial Rents Tax (CR)
Commercial Vacancy Tax (CVT)
Cannabis Business Tax (CB)
Empty Homes Tax (EHT)
Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax (HGR)
Overpaid Executive Tax (OE)
Administrative Office Tax (AOT)
Access Line Tax (ALT), Telephone Users Tax (TUT), Utility Users Tax (UUT)
Parking Tax (PK)
Stadium Operator Admission Tax (SD)
Sugary Drinks Tax (SUGARY)
Traffic Congestion Mitigation Tax (TCM)
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)
Licenses and Permits
Cigarette Litter Abatement Fee (CIG)
Emergency Alarm and False Alarm Information
Tax Collector Regulations
Property Tax Payment
Business Tax or Fee Payment
Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Payment
False Alarm Payment
SFMTA Payment Plan Portal
Banking & Investments
Banking Services for City Departments
Municipal Banking Feasibility Task Force
SF Lends
Socially Responsible Banking
In the Community
Financial Justice Project
Office of Financial Empowerment
Save for College
Meet a Financial Coach
Find a Bank Account
SF Lends
Guaranteed Income
Help Center
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About Us
Mission & Values
Our Team
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Reports & Plans
News and Updates
In the Community
The Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector operates several innovative programs to assist low-income San Francisco families in building economic security and mobility.
In the Community
Financial Justice Project
The Financial Justice Project assess and reform fines and fees that have an adverse disproportionate impact on low-income people and communities of color.
Office of Financial Empowerment
The Office of Financial Empowerment convenes, innovates, and advocates to strengthen the economic security and mobility of all San Franciscans.
Save for College
Kindergarten to College opens a savings account for every child entering kindergarten in the City’s public schools, putting students on a path to college from their first day of school.
Meet a Financial Counselor
San Francisco Financial Counseling provides free, confidential, one-on-one financial guidance. The program is available to anyone living, working or receiving services in San Francisco, regardless of citizenship status.
Find a Bank Account
Bank On San Francisco helps you find a safe, affordable bank account, with no overdraft or hidden fees. It doesn't matter how much money you have, if you don't have a social security number or California ID, or if you've had trouble banking in the past.
SF Lends
SF Lends is an initiative of the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector and the City Administrator’s Office that aims to connect small businesses to affordable loans and lines of credit for their day-to-day cashflow needs. These financial products may be a great fit for small businesses certified as Local Business Enterprises (LBEs) who have contracts with the city.
Guaranteed Income
Guaranteed income provides direct, recurring cash assistance to individuals or households with no conditions or restrictions. Similar in concept to universal basic income (UBI), guaranteed income is targeted rather than provided to everyone in a community, and has a long history in the U.S. and internationally.