Temporary Office Opening for Property Tax Payments

Our offices will temporarily reopen from May 13 through May 15 for in-person cash-only property tax payments onlyOur offices remain closed for all other business.  We strongly urge taxpayers to avoid using this option unless absolutely necessary.  Taxpayers who come to City Hall will be required to bring their own face mask and should be prepared to wait outside in line with proper social distancing.

Arrival Location:           San Francisco City Hall
                                               1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlette Place, San Francisco

Dates:                                 May 13 & 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                                               May 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Requirements:              Face covering to enter the building (masks will not be provided)                           
                                              Property tax bill stub
                                              Cash for payment

Need Further Assistance?

Visit our Help Center to submit a question.  Questions submitted before 7:00 pm will receive a response on the SAME DAY. Questions submitted after 7:00 pm will receive a response by the next business day.